Winter School Classes for Grade 11 and 12 Students

All our campuses will be hosting free winter school classes for grade 11 and 12 students, from July 1st until July 5th, 2019. The classes help students prepare for the preliminary examinations and in the past, students who attended the classes saw their marks improve by 10%!

Students must pick one of the following subjects:
Computer Applications Technology Information Technology Mathematics
Please see the timetable below, all classes will take place every day at all 3 of our campuses:

Mathematics for grade 11 students09h00 to 12h00
Mathematics for grade 12 students13h00 to 16h00
Computer Applications Technology for grade 11 and 12 students09h00 to 12h00
Information Technology for grade 11 and 12 students13h00 to 16h00

There is still limited space available and you can register at: Click Here.

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