You are about to be introduced to a whole new world designed by your imagination. You know how much influence IT has had in the development of… well, the development of everything. What you do not know, at least until Saturday 29 July 2017, is how you can become part of this exciting and innovative industry.

The Belgium Campus Open Day will give you more than a glimpse into the world of ICT. We will be presenting hands-on workshops in: • Smart Farming • Solar panels, • Hacking and Network Security, as well as • Game programming

These workshops, amongst others, will give you clarity on how you can become one of the deciders in the next wave of IT development. Also on display will be our Aeronautical project, Robotics lab, 3D printing, as well as the various innovations developed by our students; who have already started making their mark in this dynamic industry.

Take the first step in the direction that decides the direction of the world. Join us on 29 July 2017, from 09h00 to 14h00.

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