The Versatility of IT

The Versatility of IT The world runs on innovative ideas and ICT is the platform that endorses the manifestation of these ideas. The beauty of IT is the dexterity with which it adapts to other disciplines; its ability to transform other vocations sets an IT practitioner apart from other professionals and distinguishes it as the most dynamic and invigorating profession.   One example of how IT can be instrumental in simplifying and changing our way of living, according to is the ability to Reverse Paralysis: Grégoire Courtine’s brain implants help restore the freedom of movement in spinal injury cases; where movement is compromised or completely taken away. Courtine’s system reads the user’s intent to move and transmits this intention as electrical stimulation to the spine   This development exemplifies the use of IT in neurology. A seemingly disparate discipline in nature and practice. Yet, through IT, a neurological breakthrough was made.   Belgium Campus is not exempted from ICT’s vocational adaptability. Our students enjoy the same research and development opportunities as experts in the field.   A student’s innovation that is closely related to the above-mentioned example won the 2016 RESNA student design competition. “The students on Team Hope devices created a multi-component system to support the integration of emotion into AAC devices, using a variety of sensors and open-source software.” –   Belgium Campus is also working in collaboration with reputable ICT companies such as E.O.H to promote not only black females but also the disabled and the under privileged to bridge the inequality gap.   We are a dedicated IT University; this though does not limit our involvements with the global community. A Belgium Campus student is trained to be open-minded and seek ways to initiate societal change wherever possible. We have student projects that provide solutions to a range of subjects. Our 2017 3rd-year students’ projects, coupled with an array of innovations from Belgium Campus’s Botlhale village, symbolise how Belgium Campus systematically maintains relevance in the ICT industry and continues to provide professional, capable and qualified IT personnel. Tap to select the previous period Next

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