A Note from the Administrative Dean
We have entered the second half of the 2019 academic year and I believe it is important to reflect on the achievements of the first semester.
41 Belgium Campus ITversity students participated in 6 different international projects in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Sydney and University Colleges Leuven-Limburg. The participating students have made us tremendously proud with the results they achieved. They are true ambassadors of not only Belgium Campus but also South Africa.
Our students further represented South Africa on the international stage during this year’s Hack the Waste hackathon on the 9th and 10th of May 2019. 9 Belgium Campus students participated together with University Colleges Leuven-Limburg (Belgium), Doba Business School (Slovenia), Fontys School of Information and Communication Technology (Netherlands) and Banku Augstskola (Latvia). Three of our students were part of the winning team who came together to help solve the global waste problem, your achievements do not go unnoticed!
Over the last two examination blocks we have witnessed amazing results across all three of our campuses. With these results combined we have seen an 86% qualification rate for the examinations. 3178 examinations have been written with 2828 (89%) passed and 1311 distinctions obtained.
The above achievements are a true reflection of not only the commitment and dedication of our academic staff but more importantly the hard work and dedication of our students as they strive for excellence, amplifying our philosophy of breathing together to breed excellence.
On behalf of academic management, congratulations to our students for their achievements thus far. We wish you the best for the second semester. With your continued hard work and dedication your academic results can only improve, after all, that’s the way we’re wired!