Some Positivity Amidst the Pandemic
We find ourselves in unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on our daily lives and routines. We have been forced to become resilient and adapt, and we are proud to say that the Belgium Campus iTversity community has risen to the occasion. In a time where bad news seems to outweigh the good, we thought we would share some good news to brighten your lockdown period. Below are some of the achievements of our staff, students and the Belgium Campus community as a whole.
With the help of our dedicated staff, our students’ technological competence and willingness to adapt, and the support from their parents, we were able to make an almost seamless transition to online learning in just 3 weeks. More than 90% of our students are successfully participating in online classes, and tests and assessments have been able to continue as scheduled before the lockdown.
The Belgium Campus community’s resilience and positive attitude also shone through when we were faced with the challenge of handling upcoming events during lockdown.
We were able to successfully host our first Online Open Day where we were joined by over almost 600 unique visitors! We are eager to make the upcoming one just as successful. We are also making the necessary arrangements to host our Career Days online so that our students don’t miss out on this unique learning and networking opportunity.

It was with great sadness that we had to postpone our official graduation ceremony. However, this sadness quickly turned into pride and joy when our students allowed us to be a part of their lockdown celebrations by sharing their celebratory images with us. We are thankful that we can still look forward to coming together to celebrate when it has been declared safe to do so.
Our students have also continued to work on joint innovation projects with their international counterparts at the University of Sydney and Penn State University. Their projects concepts ranged from improving the automotive industry with BMW, to a vertical farming robot that automatically plants and harvests crops in a three story vertical hydroponic greenhouse.
Our students also participated in this year’s international virtual hackathon, Hack the Waste. We are proud to announce that 3 of our students, Thabang Mahlangu, Coert Grobbelaar and Chantel Mokoena, were even part of the winning teams! Visit our website to read about their innovative solutions and their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals:https://www.belgiumcampus.ac.za/News/Hack-the-Waste-2020.html
Since the announcement of the first few cases of the COVID-19 virus in South Africa and throughout this period of transition, we have remained dedicated to maintaining a transparent and constant stream of communication with our students and their parents. We are overjoyed with the support and compliments we have received and we commit to continuing to live up to this precedent.
Below is some of the positive feedback we have received from students and parents. It really lifted our spirits and we hope it does the same for you.
We will be reopening our campuses to some of our students to make sure that no student is left behind in the 2020 academic year. The students returning are in line with the 33% guideline set out by the Department of Higher Education and were selected based on a survey assessing their ability to access online resources. The necessary measures are being implemented to make sure these students return to a safe and regulated environment. We look forward to welcoming them, and their innovative energy, back to our campuses.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the Belgium Campus community for supporting us during this difficult time. Thank you to our students and their parents for trusting us to provide the best quality education regardless of the circumstances. We will continue to live up to the standard we have set as an institution and we will keep our promise to leave no student behind. Together, we can overcome any obstacle.