16 June 2020

Belgium Campus COVID-19 Communication 17

Belgium Campus COVID-19 Communication 17 Dear Students Belgium Campus iTversity is committed to ensuring that no student is left behind in the 2020 academic year. In order to achieve this, and in line with the directive from Higher Education, Science and Technology Minister, Blade Nzimande, we will be reopening our campuses to 33% of our students on 18 June 2020. The students returning have been carefully selected based on a survey assessing all students’ ability to access online resources. Students’ proximity to campus has also been taken into account to decide which students will be invited back to residence and which students may only return as day students. We are pleased to inform you that you have been identified as one of the students who may return to campus from 18 June 2020 as a day student. This will enable you to make use of the facilities on campus to sit the June examinations and attend online classes. COVID-19 Health and Safety Training COVID-19 health and safety training will be provided for all returning students. You will not be permitted to return to campus unless you have successfully completed this training and passed a test on the material covered. You can choose to attend this training online or on campus. On-campus training will take place on 18 June 2020 and again on 19 June 2020 at the following times: 1st Group: 10:00 – 11:00 2nd Group: 11:00 – 12:00 3rd Group: 16:00 – 17:00 You will also be given access to additional resources including video content, demos, policies and procedures, and rules and regulations via a COVID-19 student SharePoint site. Please familiarise yourself with this content prior to your return. You are also encouraged to make use of the COVID-19 Resource Portal on our website, as well as the official South African government’s Covid-19 WhatsApp number: 060 012 3456, to stay up-to-date with the latest COVID-19 information. Rules and Regulations We are currently implementing the necessary measures to ensure that you return to a safe and regulated environment. Please familiarise yourself with the following rules and regulations which apply to all returning students and must be strictly adhered to at all times whilst on campus. Please also find attached the Belgium Campus Code of Conduct for you to refamiliarise yourself with. Wear an appropriate mask; Adhere to physical and social distancing rules. This means keeping a distance of at least 1.5 meters, preferably 2 meters, between yourself and those around you; Follow basic hygiene practices. This includes properly washing or sanitising your hands regularly; You are only permitted to make use of the campus facilities necessary for learning. These include: the library, classrooms and bathrooms. Any student found loitering in areas which do not serve this purpose will face disciplinary action. COVID-19 Screening In addition to the above, returning students will also be required to complete daily COVID-19 pre-screening and on-campus screening. Pre-screening can be done through the Belgium Campus COVID-19 pre-screening app or by making use of the physical pre-screening form (this can be accessed via the student portal). Daily on-campus screening will be done between 7am and 8am at the counsellors’ office. Please remember to have your student card with you at all times. Student cards will be used for contact tracing purposes and no student will be allowed on campus without one. The wellbeing of our students and staff is our highest priority and every measure is being put in place to ensure our campuses are a safe environment for all. We would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and understanding during this difficult time. If we continue to embody the spirit of Ubuntu, we have no doubt that we will overcome this and keep our promise to leave no student behind   Yours faithfully, Belgium Campus iTversity Management

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Belgium Campus COVID-19 Communication 16 – June 2020 Examination

Belgium Campus COVID-19 Communication 16 – June 2020 Examination Dear Students Belgium Campus iTversity has been communicating with you throughout the past three months of lockdown and we trust that you have followed developments. We have been authorised by the Council of Higher Education to change to online classes due to the Covid-19 pandemic and are committed to complete the academic year in December 2020. The mid-year examinations are scheduled to start on Monday, 22 June 2020 and will continue through to Friday, 3 July 2020. In the upcoming examinations, Belgium Campus (BC) will employ multiple assessment methodologies which will enable BC to adequately assess the performance of each student and will be done either orally, through case studies or through online assessments. Exam Preparation On the day of your exam, you need to log into Zoom prior to the exam start time, around 10 – 15 minutes before the scheduled examination time. Once connected, the invigilator will confirm your ID in the Zoom meeting against the list of students authorised to sit for the specific exam. When you log in with your username and password, we accept that the correct students have logged in. You will be required to accept and sign the pop-up terms and conditions before you will be allowed to start. Once you start your exam, BC will continue to monitor certain data points on your computer. For online exams, the same security measures applicable to seated exams as per the BC standard rules and regulations apply. Your invigilator may communicate a 5 to 10 minutes recorded session with you during your exam via the Zoom/Teams chat boxes in the event that something has changed. You are required to alert the exam invigilator when you have finished your exam and clicked the “Save” button. Your work will be saved on the exam server. Any questions that have been saved after the cut off time of the exam, can be referred to the review process. After the review process, if not saved correctly, the Examinations Commission will consider review requests on a case by case basis. To ensure any technical issues are sorted out before your exam, make sure you have checked your hardware and internet connection beforehand and if you are going to write using a mobile connection ensure you have sufficient data available. The system has been checked and tested thoroughly and we do not expect any problems, but in the unlikely event of something going wrong during the examination, students will receive a notification online. In the unlikely event of students being unable to continue, students will be requested to continue in Microsoft Teams. In the very unlikely event that the Microsoft Teams platform also fails, students will continue on Belgium Campus back-up servers. All relevant sections of the current Examinations, Assessment and Moderation Policies remain applicable in the case of students with valid reasons, are unable to either complete their examinations or are unable to write examinations. Belgium Campus understands the unique circumstances due to Covid-19 and the Examinations Commission will evaluate each request on a case by case basis. Fail-over measures have been implemented and will be communicated to students when circumstances beyond the control of the Belgium Campus interfere with its ability to provide any examination. Exam Preparation Students are required to agree to the terms and conditions of the exam. The student agrees to the measures taken and methodologies used to ensure students are able to present their knowledge in a fair and equitable manner. The consent provided through agreeing to the terms and conditions is also relevant to the necessary security measures taken to ensure that the examination is a true reflection of the student’s knowledge. This consent is provided by clicking on a pop-up communication during the exam. For oral examinations students will be provided with a schedule with and a specific timeslot allocated to the student during which they have to connect to perform this type of examinations. This schedule will be posted on the Belgium Campus team on Microsoft Teams. Please ensure you read the information provided as it will be specific to your online exam, including when the exam will be held and any permitted materials or special instructions. To access your exam online, you will be authenticated, and you will need the following: Speakers (usually built into your computer); A microphone (often this is built into the webcam); A reliable internet connection; and A suitable private space where you will not be interrupted. Before you sit for your exam online, you need to check that your internet connection and computer can sustain an online exam. You will be able to practice a few questions on Teams before the exam in a new designated group for the specific exams. You will be added to a team and there will be an open Zoom session for each exam as well. You will need to provide ‘exam conditions’ in the space where you choose to sit for your exam. This means similar conditions to what you would expect in an exam lecture hall. The room needs to be brightly lit, with no other people present and no interruptions. We suggest that you let your friends and family know that you are sitting for your exam and require a private, quiet space for the duration. Put a sign on your door asking people to come back later and turn your voicemail on. Unless your exam is ‘open book’, your workspace should be free of papers, books and sticky notes and your walls should be clear of any documents or materials which may be relevant to the exam. Remove anything on your desk that is not related to your exam. Your mobile phone, smart watch or other devices should be turned off or put away. To ensure your internet connection is not interrupted or slowed, ask other people in your house not to watch Netflix or download large files while you are sitting for your exam. BC will

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