Belgium Campus iTversity’s 2021 Graduation Ceremony
On Friday, 7 May, our students held their heads up high and walked tall when they were awarded their academic qualifications. The 2021 Graduation ceremony at Belgium Campus was nothing short of special as the day was not only devoted to celebrating this important achievement in these students’ lives but also at highlighting the start of a new beginning. It was a unique ceremony where both the class of 2020 and the class of 2021 respectively walked on stage to receive their hard-earned IT diplomas and degrees. This year’s event boasted a total of 259 graduates. Of these 259 students, 74 achieved cum laude, 19 magna cum laude and 7 summa cum laude. It was another year of excellence for Belgium Campus!
Mr. Enrico Jacobs, Chief Executive Officer of Belgium Campus iTversity, praised the graduates for their resilience under the current pressure brought on by COVID-19. He highlighted some special qualities that make Belgium Campus students stand out from the rest by focusing on their sense of responsibility and their commitment to others. These core-competencies form part of their unique foundation which is rooted in the Belgium Campus philosophy and makes them the most sought after in the IT industry. He went on to acknowledge and applaud the crucially supportive role played by guardians, parents, spouses and loved ones throughout the students’ academic journey.

It is through this kind of support that the number of deaf and hard of hearing students graduating at our institution more than tripled this year. It went from two students in 2019 to ten in 2021. The high quality education offered at this institution is a tool that equally empowers students from various demographics and the excellent education acquired will form part of who these graduates are wherever they go.
Our valedictorian Bernd Eckbert Gevers, class of 2021, with an aggregate average percentage of 88%, shared the road to achievement. He delivered his speech with finesse, carrying the audience through his journey which began when he attended the Open Day event in 2016, and ending with him not only graduating but delivering a valedictorian speech in 2021. He described how hard the road was and how at the end he knows that he made the right choice to study at BC.

Mr. Jan Rombouts, the Chairman of the Belgium Campus iTversity, graced the occasion with his presence – all the way from Belgium. He congratulated the graduates on the journey of life they have just embarked on. Their journey is one that has no path but has opportunities for them to create their own trails.
By Kgomotso Mogotlane