Belgium Campus Joins #HacktheGoals
Belgium Campus Joins #HacktheGoals Report from #Hack2Act now available The 2018 edition of Hack the Goals was a series of seven hackathons in six countries: Senegal, Niger, Palestine, Morocco, Uganda and Belgium. These hackathons brought together Enabel experts, government officials, digital experts and ordinary citizens to develop innovative solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals. Report from #Hack2Act now availableHack the Goals is part of the digital strategy of Enabel. First, the Hack the Goals initiative stimulates co-creation and recognises the importance of participatory approaches for sustainable development. Secondly, the hackathons allow for the identification and integration of innovative digital solutions in our development programmes. Enabel is a strong supporter of Digital for Development as a means to achieve our development objectives. Over the years, the agency has built expertise in leveraging digital technologies to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. All our actions are in line with the Digital for Development strategy of the Belgian Development Cooperation and the digital strategy of Enabel, and take into account the nine Principles for Digital Development ( Over the last few years important work has been carried out by Belgian and European development actors and institutions to explore the opportunities of Digital for Development and identify best practices. For the D4D knowledge-sharing day in November 2018, we invited our partners to explain how they use new technologies and share their main accomplishments with the wider development community. This report provides a written record of these fascinating and thought-provoking testimonials. We hope it will inspire readers to become supporters of Digital for Development and to adopt this new way of thinking in development in their daily work. By Jean Van Wetter, Director General of Hack the Goals Tap to select the previous period Next
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