September Exam Results
We would like to congratulate our students for their continued hard work and dedication. They achieved an overall qualification rate of 86% and an overall pass rate of 87% for the past September examinations.
Our Tshwane campus wrote a total of 1305 exams and received a 90% pass rate with 483 distinctions achieved.
Our Ekurhuleni campus wrote a total of 414 exams and received an 80% pass rate with 127 distinctions achieved.
Our Nelson Mandela Bay campus wrote a total of 105 exams and received a 92% pass rate with 50 distinctions achieved.
Exam reviews will take place on the 1st and the 8th of November 2019. If you would like to have your results reviewed by a senior lecturer, please apply through your Canvas portal before the 25th of October 2019.
We have entered the fourth and final quarter of the year and the finish line is well within site. We encourage our students to continue working hard and we have no doubt that they will continue to excel, after all, that’s just the way we’re wired.