Study Cyber Security

Study Cyber Security Abroad

Nine top studentsfrom Belgium Campus iTversity are enjoying the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of traveling Europe as part of a semester-long study abroad programme. Other participating universitiesinclude Universitat de Lleida in Spain, Hogeschool PXL in Belgium, Fontys University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, and University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in, you guessed it, Austria.

Our students will travel to each of these institutionsto attend trending ITmodules before completing intercultural and multidisciplinary group projects. They are currently at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, where they are completing a module in cyber security. Read on to learn more about this programme and the projects they are working on.

More About the Programme

The programme comprises five three-week modules. In addition to cyber security, our students will complete modules in userexperience, artificial intelligence, data science, and the Internet of Things. They will incorporate the knowledge and skills they gain into their final projects, which are not only for real stakeholders but also contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

You didn’t think we would send our students all the way to Europe for all work and no play, did you? Our students also have the incredible opportunity to embrace new cultures, do some sightseeing, and make lifelong friends as part of this programme. The Netherlands leg of their journey has involved eating stroopwafels and visiting the capital city, Amsterdam, where they enjoyed a canal cruise with some of the friends they have made on their journey so far.

About the Projects

The students have been divided into four groups, consisting of students from each participating institution. Two groups will work on an aquaponics project for the University of Johannesburg, and the other two will work on a cooling systemsproject for the Belgian organisation Vos Technics.  

Aquaponics Project

This projectinvolves increasing the functionality of an aquaponics unit owned by the University of Johannesburg. It forms part of a project they started to promote sustainable food production and research and learning relating to this.

So far, the students have created a machinelearning modelto predict variables within the aquaponics facility. Moving forward, they will developa website to store the data they collect and a learning platform for anyone who wants to get involved with the project. 

Cooling Systems Project

Vos Technics is a Belgianorganisation that builds customised industrial cooling solutions. They have tasked the students with developing a modelthat accurately predicts systemfaults. The students have created a serviceable model. Their next step is to perform extensive datacleaning on this model to make it usable.

How to Study Cyber Security Abroad

Would you like to study cyber security abroad? Or perhaps you are more interested in one of the other modulesthis student exchange provides? Gain access to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by enrolling to study for our Bachelor of Computing degree. Need more information? You are welcome to email us at or call us on 010 593 5368.

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